Wednesday, November 12, 2014

18 Tips for Winterizing Your Home

The Lake of the Ozarks has seen a major job in temperature this week.  The season of scarves and boots is upon us.  These items will keep us warm outside, but how are you going to keep the inside of your house warm this winter?  You'll be paying a fortune if all you do is crank the heater up to full blast. Instead, use these tips to start winterizing your home at the Lake of the Ozarks before the snow begins to fall!

1. Install Storm Doors - switch out summer screens for the glass replacements and install the storm doors and windows if you have any.

2. Cover Your Windows - covering your windows in plastic will help to keep the heat in.  Window insulator kits are an inexpensive, temporary fix if you don't have storm windows.

3. Use a Draft Stopper - block any drafts that could be coming in under the doors with a simple piece or cardboard or a fancier door draft stopper.

4. Purchase Blackout Curtains - rather than covering your windows in plastic, you can purchase thick curtains to help keep the heat in and the cold out.

5. Reverse Your Ceiling Fans - When reversed, instead of pushing air down to create a chilling effect, the blades now force the air up. That warmer air will then be forced to the outer edges of the room and eventually travel down along the walls to the floor, helping to equalize the temperature of the entire room.

6. Get Your Furnace Inspected - call an HVAC professional to inspect your furnace and make sure its working properly.  Be sure to do this before the temperatures get below freezing because if there is a problem, you're going to freeze while you wait for it to get fixed.

7. Replace Your Furnace Filter - put a new, clean air filter in your furnace for better performance. During the winter, it might be good to stock up on these and change them about every month.

8. Check Your Carbon Monoxide Detector - Carbon monoxide is poisonous, but can be easily detected with an inexpensive battery operated alarm.  Be sure that the batteries are in working condition so you can protect your family from this silent threat.

9. Move Furniture Off Vents - if your couch is currently sitting on top of one of the vents, consider rearranging the furniture for the winter so the air can flow freely.

10. Shut Doors to Unused Rooms - heating one room is a lot easier than heating an entire house.  If you have rooms that aren't used that often, shut the vents in those rooms and then close them off. You will save on your utility bills because your furnace won't have to work as hard.

11. Use Baking to Your Advantage - baking is a great way to keep busy when your stuck inside this winter and it can help keep your home toasty warm.  With that being said, do not use your oven primarily to heat your home and never leave home with the oven on.  This is a major fire hazard.

12. Seal Your Windows and Doors - check your windows for air leaks and fill any gaps with caulking.  You can also install weatherstripping on any leaking doors.  

13. Prevent Freezing Pipes - insulate any exposed pipes to prevent them from bursting during freezing temperatures.  At a minimum, you should insulate them with foam rubber sleeves, but its even better to cover them in electrical heating tape first.

14. Prepare Your Chimney - check your chimney to make sure it is clear of any animals that may be taking refuse from the weather in there.  If it hasn't been cleaned in awhile, you should consider hiring a chimney sweep.  You should also check the flue damper to make sure it fully opens and closes.

15. Check Your Ducts - thoroughly check all your ducts and fix any gaps that you may find with metal backed tape.

16. Clean Out Your Gutters  - make sure that the gutters and downspouts are free of all clutter and debris.  We leaves left in the gutters over the winter can add significant weight and volume to the gutter, increasing the risk of damage.  Plus the snow and ice needs a place to properly drain when it melts.

17. Remove Dead Tree Limbs - trim back any tree branches that hang too close to the house and pose a potential threat when weighed down by heaving ice and snow.

18. Prepare Garden Hoses - be sure to turn off all outside water supply sources and blow compressed air through any hoses or sprinkler lines to prevent them from freezing or bursting.

Follow these simple tips and your Lake of the Ozarks home will be all bundled up for winter! Mission Bay homes feature state-of-the-art central water and sewer systems, as well as underground utilities to get you through the cold winter months with no issues.  The combination of a great foundation and these extra little things you can do will prevent many of those unexpected problems that can arise when the temperature drops below freezing.  Now you can sit back and enjoy that cup of hot cocoa knowing that your home is ready for any crazy winter weather that comes your way!

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